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library science 圖書館學。

library steps

To discuss the localization and principle of research object in library science 圖書館學研究對象的本土化與原則性

Advances of research object cognition in library science both at home and abroad 國內外圖書館學研究對象認識進展

On the common orientation of the library science and the sci - tech philosophy 圖書館學與科學技術哲學的共同取向

China society for library science 中國圖書館學會

On the moral philosophy of writing essays on informatics in the library science 論圖書館學情報學論文寫作道德

On the reform of the graduate education of library science in china 關于我國圖書館學研究生教育改革的幾點思考

The public knowledge management science - thoughts on the essence of library science 關于圖書館學本質的思考

A review on the hot topics of library science education reform since 1998年以來圖書館學教育改革研究熱點評述

Academic comments on library science need encouragement and high evaluation 應當重視和開展圖書館學學術評論

In library science , a subject heading or descriptor in an index 在圖書館學中,索引中的主題標題或關鍵詞。

Thinking on the development of library science education in our country 對發展我國圖書館學教育的幾點思考

An analysis on the library science research in sichuan province from 2001 to 2005年圖書館學研究狀況分析

On the research in china of the library science in russia and eastern europe 兼評借鑒東西方圖書館學流派

An object of study of library science in the new technological environment 新技術環境下圖書館學研究對象

New and old five laws of library science and library ' s humane care 圖書館學新老五定律與圖書館人文關懷

Some problems in the study of library science in network environment 網絡環境下圖書館學研究的若干問題

The orientation of library science in the digital times 我國高校圖書館數字參考咨詢服務開展情況調查

Bachelor / masters degree in library science and fluent english 圖書館管理學士/碩士學位,精通英文。

On basic principles of library science 試論圖書館學的基本原則